25+ years experience

Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist In Bayside

Providing a comprehensive service in aspects of ear, nose and throat surgery for adults and children.

years experience
years experience
Ent ear examination

About Our Clinic

Bayside ENT provides comprehensive service covering all aspects of ear, nose and throat and head and neck surgery for adults and children.

This is the practice of Mr. Andrew Hays, Ear, Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgeon.

Our website contains information on Ear, Nose and Throat conditions and surgery. We have included examples of pre and post-operative Rhinoplasty photos, and post operative information for patients and relatives.

Mr. Hays has a special interest in Sinonasal surgery including cosmetic Rhinoplasty. The treatment of Snoring and Head and Neck Surgery is also a large part of his General ENT Practice. Information on our website should be used as a guide only.

If you have any questions please contact us on 03 9596 0606

Conditions We Treat

Ear Conditions & Treatments

Hearing Loss
Swimmers Ear
Perforated Eardrum
Hearing Tests
Checking eardrum

Nose Conditions & Treatments

Stuffy Noses
Deviated Nasal Septum
Sinus Pain
Smell and Taste
Cancer of Nose & Sinuses
Cancer of the Nasopharynx
Ent nose checkup

Throat Conditions & Treatments

Spasmodic Dysphonia
Vocal Cord Palsy
Vocal Nodules
Vocal Cord Granuloma
Repiratory Papillomas
Voice Surgery
Lump in the Throat
Sore Throat
Gastric Reflux
Head and Neck Cancer
Ent throat checkup